On July 8, Colonel Turki Al-Malki, the official spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition claimed that coalition forces had thwarted an attack on some commercial vessel in the Red Sea by a remote explosive boat of Yemen’s Houthis [Ansar Allah].

“Al-Maliki said that the coalition forces spotted the unmanned boat while it was moving, then intercepted and destroyed it, stressing that threating the international navigation and trade by the Iran-backed Houthi militia is considered a serious terrorist act and reaffirming that the coalition forces will keep neutralizing all hostile terrorist capabilities of the Houthi militia,” Saudi Arabia’s state SPA news agency reported.

The interesting fact is that the Saudi-led coalition calls itself “Coalition to Support Restoring Legitimacy in Yemen“. The Saudi leadership has apparently got some lessons from their US and Israeli counterparts that actively use loud terms like ‘democracy’, ‘legitimacy’ and ‘press freedom’ to justify their own agressive actions in the Middle East. The next step is to claim the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invasion of Yemen is needed to restore ‘democracy’ there.

Saudi sources also released photos of the explosive boat that was allegedly used by the Houthis:

The Saudi-led coalition is fiercely attempting to brand Houthi actions as a kind of terrorism. On the other hand, the Yemeni resistance movement says that its strikes on Saudi military targets and infrastructure are merely a response to the bloody Saudi bombing campaign that caused a wide-scale humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country.

